The Arab spring was kick-started on the 18th of December 2010 in Tunisia after Mohamed Bouhazizi’s self-immolation. Civil unrests spread rapidly through the Middle East and North Africa. Rulers were forcefully removed from power and there are still unrests in full swing in some countries such as Syria and Bahrain.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish."
Proverbs (29:18)
The removal of fuel subsidy in January 2012 led to a wave of #occupyNigeria protests. Nigerians inspired by the Arab spring took to the streets in order to demand for their rights. As faint as the line was, it was obvious that there were two different groups out in January – the ones who simply wanted to have the increase in price of PMS reversed and the ones who wanted to make their voices heard against corruption and the lack of accountability on the parts of our leaders. There was a problem during the protests though – that faint line.